August 30, 2013
My Husband Helped Me Through My Loss
I am a 33-year-old woman, married for the first time in August of 2012. In May of this year, my husband and I were celebrating his birthday weekend, sitting with a couple of friends on our back patio, when my father called, saying my only sibling, my 30-year-old brother, had been found dead in his neighborhood that morning. My brother had been dealing with an addiction to drugs and alcohol for some time, but nonetheless, the news was a shock to us all. To add insult to injury, my mother and stepfather were vacationing out of the country, and my father was unsure how to deliver the news to her over the phone. At my fathers request, my husband called my stepfather and gave him the devastating news to share with my mother. From there it was a whirlwind of making memorial plans and handling my brothers finances, home, truck, dogs, and girlfriend, all while trying to cope with the reality of his passing. It has been several now, and my husband has been wonderful. He encourages me to talk about my feelings if I want to, but doesn't force it, lets me laugh and cry, and tries his best to understand when I'm just having one of those days.
This unfortunate loss has brought my husband closer to my entire family, for which I am grateful; it is great to hear praise of him from those people who have now witnessed his amazing character and heart. Of course I wish this would have never happened to my family, but I feel so fortunate that I had my husband by my side when it did.
Posted by Staff at 3:06 PM