February 15, 2013
Taking Care of Each Other
My 86-year-old dad passed away 5 years ago. My mom lived almost 100 miles from me and she said she didn't want me to have to come visit her every weekend so she would just move in with me. I loved the idea because I thought I would be able to take care of her.
Well, it's turned out to be the other way around. My 88-year-old momma has me so spoiled. She has supper ready every night when I get home from work, a glass of ice in the freezer, and my Diet Pepsi sitting on the kitchen table. She makes homemade noodles and freezes them because that is one request my kids and grandkids always make when we have any type of family get together. She cans tomatoes out of our garden (last year it was over 90 pints).
Momma has told me more than once that if she ever gets to the point that she cannot take care of herself, for me to put her in a nursing home because she does not want me to quit my job. She will take her walker in our kitchen and do laps around the kitchen for exercise because she says she sure doesn't want to be an invalid! My momma is one-of-a-kind and she is loved by so many. The only REAL problem she has is she is almost deaf - even with the help of a hearing aid. We have a dry erase board by our chair and if she can't understand the words we are saying, we write down what we are trying to tell her. Even my little grandkids do this now. They want to make sure MiMi knows what they are talking about.
I could go on and on about my sweet momma but you wouldn't have enough time to read about her. We just love her sooooo much.
P.S. My daddy was the same way. They were married for 63 years when Daddy passed away. They were a one-of-a-kind couple too. That's a whole other story.
Posted by Staff at 10:12 AM