January 14, 2019My Husband's Note
Dear Dr. Laura,
The best wedding I ever attended was on our 17th anniversary in 1999. The wedding was for a colleague, and the couple had shacked up for several years before they decided to get married. It was obvious throughout the proceedings that these two knew nothing of what the marriage covenant means. So, I was anxious to hear what kind of vows they were going to make!
Right at the moment their vows began, my husband reached into his pocket and handed me a note:
"Now for some vows of my own.
I will never break our covenant.
I will never leave you.
I will always be faithful to you.
I will love no other as long as we both live.
I will keep trying to improve as a husband.
I will be open to your suggestions and corrections.
I will strive to make you feel loved.
I will do what I can to lighten your burdens.
I will try to be understanding.
I will see to it that you are well taken care of.
I can't promise to be perfect,
but I do promise to repent and keep trying when I fall short."
No one else in the crowd knew why tears were flowing down my cheeks!
I could tell you so much more about my wonderful husband of 30 years, so maybe I will sometime again!
Happily Married Wife
Posted by Staff at 10:58 AM