Standing Up For Stay At Home Mommas
May 14, 2018
Standing Up For Stay At Home Mommas

Dr. Laura:

As a child, my mom frequently turned on your program in the car, which always led to wonderful thought-provoking discussions between us (especially when I was a teenager).   I married a wonderful man and we have two children.  My son complains when I turn on your program in the car, since he thinks it's "boring."  The other day, I asked him "Did you know that this wonderful woman, Dr. Laura, is the reason that I stay home with you and why you are home-schooled?"  His eyes bugged out, and he said "Okay - now I LOVE her!"  The biggest smile crossed his face and he has stopped complaining!  He even tells me that I should make sure to call you if I ever have any problems.  

When my husband and I first agreed that I should stay home to raise our children, it was a struggle.  My husband picked up extra shifts to make ends meet, and we scrimped and saved.  We made it work.  I don't buy new clothes often and new toys are for birthdays and Christmas.  None of these is as important as the look of appreciation and love on my son's face when he realized that I might not have been at home with him for all these years.  Keep doing all the wonderful work that you do and thank you for standing up for all of us stay-at-home mommas!  


Remember, all of you can send me "letters" too - by email!  Just sign into (or sign up for) the Dr. Laura Family - it's free - and tell us of your experiences. 

Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM