'In the Day' Mug
October 22, 2013
'In the Day' Mug

Dearest Mommy Laura,

I'm one of your unknown masses who have adopted you as Mom.  Your daughter-in-law-to-be is very lucky.  You often mention, "In the day…" when referring how proper young ladies, gentlemen, or parents should act.  My father raised me and had those values although it made me have a fit on my first date when my dad took the young man into the other room and spoke to him for a half hour before we could leave the house.  I have no idea what my dad said to him, but that boy didn't come any closer than three feet in our entire date.  Now that I'm older, I appreciate what my dad did.

Enclosed is a gift for you that I painted myself and put those great words, "In the Day".  Hope you enjoy.

God Bless you always,


Posted by Staff at 11:35 AM