November 1, 2011Adjusting to Marriage
Dr. Laura,
I have recently become a big fan of yours. I got married in April and as a wedding gift my friend got me your book, The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands. I instantly fell in love with your opinions, advice, and counsel, in addition to your straightforward writing style. You were a breath of fresh air in a world of decreasing in moral values and a great way to start off my marriage.
I found the adjustment to marriage difficult. Only because I was a selfish 24 year old, I think. I married a wonderful man who is extremely loyal, hardworking, and selfless. Once I started reading your book it was as if my eyes were opened. There were things I knew and felt true within me that I didn't know I knew. My husband noticed a change as well. I wouldn't say I was horrible or anything to him before I read your book, but after reading it I realized how I would sometimes try and manipulate with hurt feelings, the double standard you talked about, and the evil lying within the feminist movement.
It's very interesting actually because one of my "good friends" who I've become quite distant with advised me not to read your book because you were oppressive to women. Needless to say I did and I am happily married, loving being a wife and she is still confused and stupid as ever.
For my birthday this month I gave my husband a list of books I wanted, most of which were by you. I am now reading the Proper Care and Feeding of Marriage and love it as well.
I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart how much I love and appreciate your honest and sincere literature. It must not be easy being in the public eye all the time but thank you for taking a "hit for us" so we can have deeper and more fulfilling homes and marriages.
Posted by Staff at 3:05 PM