September 14, 2018Remember He's a Man, Not a Woman
I am 30 years old, married to a wonderful man with three children ages 6, 5 and 1. My father-in-law gave me your book, "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands," almost 8 years ago for Christmas. As a young, naive woman, I was offended he thought that was a good idea. I put it on the shelf and never read it.
My husband and I recently started to go down a road I thought we never would. I have prayed and prayed for the wisdom God needed me to have in order to restore my marriage. About four days ago, I went to the shelf and started to thumb through your book. Low and behold, God's plan was at my fingertips the whole time. Between my daily devotions and the knowledge I have found in your book, I feel like a new woman. My husband is happy again and I in return am happier than I have been in a long time. I know what you're saying...that it's only been four days since you start to transform your thinking! But it's true, when I stopped wanting my husband to think like a WOMAN and I was NICE to him on a daily basis and loved him the way I should, life completely changed!!! I have been neglecting him so much in the last eight years, it devastates me.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being so straightforward and cutting through all the crap. I needed a good butt chewing and I got it. I know we have a lot of work to do to keep our marriage strong but I have made a promise to myself: I will take it one day at a time and do everything I can to keep things in perspective and remember he's a man, NOT A WOMAN!!
Thank you for everything!
Posted by Staff at 10:58 AM