I Finally Cracked the Book
August 21, 2012
I Finally Cracked the Book

Dear Dr. Laura,

I bought your book "Ten Stupid Things Women Do to Mess Up Their Lives" more than ten years ago. I intended to read it, but there it sat on my bookshelf, unopened.

I had no idea who you were when I bought the book, but had discovered your show in the past several years and became a fan.

I have recently relocated and while I was packing my things, not only did the book make the cut of things I was bringing with me, I had heard enough Dr. Laura wisdom on the air and experienced enough turmoil in my tangles with disordered men that I was FINALLY motivated to read it. And reread it. And underline and highlight it. Now I am passing it on to a beloved sister who is bravely taking the steps to leave a disordered man and take on the challenges of her own new life without him.

Thank you for what you do. I am well on my way to becoming an empowered woman, and you have had a hand it that!

Warm Regards,


Posted by Staff at 2:41 PM