October 13, 2011Next Time I'll Choose Wisely
Dear Dr. Laura,
I have just read your book "10 Stupid Things Women Do to Mess Up their Lives."
Well, I was one of those naive girls waiting and hoping for the guy to change. I am so thankful and blessed to have ended that relationship.
I dated the guy for 3 years, he seemed like Prince Charming - little did I know. He lied to me about his whole life. In the beginning I even broke up with him because I got that "you're not telling me everything" feeling. Somehow we ended up getting back together and little did I know there were 2 children (soon to be 3) involved all from different mothers. During our break up, he went to Vegas got married to one of the baby's mammas and got her name tattooed on his finger. He lied to me about everything; he was angry; emotionally, verbally, and physically abusive, but I still just "loved" him so much. I was blind.
A few months ago my Zumba teacher had a conversation with me that many friends had with me prior: "You are not going to marry him. He is not for you. He has too much baggage and you will end up in divorce. You need to read this book by Dr. Laura…" I bought your book and read it over the next 2 weeks. Every time I read it, I felt more and more powerful. He has moved out and we are done. WOW, I can not even tell you how blessed I am to be out of that relationship.
I wanted to tell you thank you, you are an amazing woman, your book was empowering and inspiring. I want other women to know there is a way out and it is possible. I never thought there was, I felt like I was stuck in a big black hole, and now I'm out and can finally see how terrible that relationship was. Yes, I am hurt and have anxiety but the healing process has begun and I am ever so thankful.
God Bless,
Posted by Staff at 11:00 AM