Helping Me To Make Memories
September 6, 2017
Helping Me To Make Memories

Hi Dr. Laura:

I think you should get paid by the Lego company for all the great advertising you're giving them!  I have a nine-year-old grandson who LOVES Legos and has a ton of them.  After listening to you, I thought we'd go and pick up a box of Legos to do together.  You should have seen the delight on his face when I suggested that idea!

I looked at all the houses and garden sets, but he liked a bank with police and robbers.  So we went home with that set - all 561 pieces of it!  I thought it would be good for several days of play value, but boy, was I wrong!  My grandson had the fire truck done in 15 minutes.  His hands were like whirling dervishes.  He was like a crazed musician turning pages of music as he finished each section in the instruction book.  I managed to get him to stop for lunch, and then I started hiding pieces on him to slow him down, but he discovered my ruse.  He told me he wanted to get it all done so he could play with all the pieces.  My heart just melted.

So thank you for assisting me in making memories with my grandson.  I adore the things you teach us each and every day, even if it's just Legos!  The world is a better place because you are here!



Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM