March 13, 201811 Years Later
I was 23 and stupid but smart enough to know I had to find a job to make some money before I stared graduate school. At that job, the radio was set to your show. Thank God for that. I heard you say "you have to kiss a lot of toads before you find your prince". The quote is still in my bible today, 11 years later.
I left that needy girl behind along with a bad relationship and a toxic guy. I found myself and because of that, found my prince. I completed Graduate school, got an excellent job in healthcare serving our nation's veterans and wounded warriors.
I have listened to you every day after work to keep my "girlfriend" skills fine tuned. My husband and I have a beautiful baby girl and as I type this, I have just emailed my letter of resignation to a top notch boss so I can now become My Kid's Mom - full time. Thank you Dr. Laura. Without your advice, I know I would not have been shaped into the wise woman, wife, and mother I have come to be. Of all life's decisions I have made, the most difficult has been to put my career on the back burner. I work every day to improve the quality of life for our veterans of war and while this is of great need, ultimately, my daughter needs me more. I am certain without your mission, I would not have hit send on that email today.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you. I'll keep you posted on life as My Kid's Mom and My Husband's Girlfriend.
Posted by Staff at 10:58 AM