May 13, 2010Bravery in the Face of Home Grown Terrorism

Two recent acts of bravery bring up a clear point:1. A nine year old boy in a Southern town was in the passenger seat of his parents' car with three siblings all under the age of three in the back. His mother darted into a convenience store, and a huge man (who was lurking nearby) jumped into the driver's seat, i.e., it was a car-jacking in the works. The nine year old had the courage and the presence of mind not to be "politically correct" which would have meant sitting quietly and obeying an adult. Nope, not at all. This kid grabbed the car keys and held them tight to his right side. The would-be carjacker hit the boy's head against the passenger door in an attempt to get the keys, and failed as the boy was resolute. As the boy said later, "I didn't want my family to be taken." The car-jacker ran from the car, fell, and was apprehended by police who had been called from the convenience store.2. A young female (of course I'm proud) civilian police officer stopped an Army officer from continuing his murders of Fort Hood soldiers by standing up to him and shooting him numerous times while being shot three times herself. Unfortunately, except for military police (MPs) and civilian police, soldiers on a base do not carry weapons, and are, therefore, sitting ducks for the murderous rampage of "one of their own." As it turns out, by all media reports, the history of this so-called American Army officer was clearly one of a terrorist. There was a history of his radical Muslim ideology. Reports against him had been made, but political correctness ruled the day. Because he had worshipped at a mosque with a radical imam who allegedly had made contact with two of the 9/11 hijackers and had written on the Internet Muslim extremist comments (which, I understand, included a defense of suicide bombers), had tried to indoctrinate patients and his school mates even complained about the political leanings of his class assignments and so much more, was no reason, many authorities have said, to assume he was a home-grown terrorist. That political correctness caused the death of 13 and serious injury to dozens. Never mind the fear it has generated on bases around the country and the world where the bullet or bomb can come from the "inside."Instead of facing this threat (and please do remember the plots that were foiled against other military bases on American soil in the past several years), we are being told not to "jump to conclusions." Well, without jumping to the
conclusions in a timely manner, hanging on instead to political correctness (meaning that no one should criticize or profile), our military men and women and their families have a good reason to be afraid and angry. They pay the price.That nine year old boy didn't sit complacently and be a "good boy." He took charge to protect his own. We should do the same for our military and their families. Those who have expressed at any time any philosophy resembling radical Islamic hate should be marginalized, scrutinized, put under surveillance, and supervised.The first obligation of the American government is not "Cash for Clunkers." It's for the safety of the populace. The morale of our military took a large hit when they discovered that they were not safe from worldwide terrorists at their own desks. Dump all that "PTSD by proxy" nonsense. Look at the truth, without which we are neither free nor safe.
Posted by Staff at 1:08 AM