Teaching Me to Want More for Myself
May 7, 2014
Teaching Me to Want More for Myself

Hi Dr. Laura,

My twin sister and I grew up with a mother who was sarcastic and insulting to our submissive and insecure father. In my early dating, I brought my mother's attitude into my relationships. After 30 years of marriage, my parents finally divorced.  Even as a young adult, experiencing your parents divorce is painful.  I began listening to you, and realized my mother was using me as her crutch.  I eventually told her I was her daughter, not her friend, and I couldn't help her the way she wanted. My mother took these words to heart, joined a support group for divorced people and it changed her life.

Listening to you also forced me to start treating kindly and choosing wisely in my relationships. I did finally choose wisely and married a real man, my best friend and future father of our son.  At our wedding, we read our own vows.  Mine started with, "Dr. Laura always says, a real man will swim through shark infested waters to bring you a glass of lemonade." Although most of my friends and family know I'm a huge fan of yours, I still turned to our guests and said, "Yes, Dr. Laura."  My vows continued with, "You, honey, would bring me a glass and do it all again to bring me a refill when my glass was empty."

Dr. Laura, thank you for helping me pick this amazing man. You inspired me to want more for myself and not stop until I found a real man who would love me, adore me, and literally put his life on the line for me.

Thank you so much!

Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM