Shacking Up and Silliness
April 24, 2015
Shacking Up and Silliness

I recently read a submittal to a newspaper relationship counselor. The columnist's answer did not mean much to me, but the question was really silly. 

The writer to the column complained about the boyfriend that she was shacking up with. She just found out about his previous girlfriend and how he took her to this extremely fancy restaurant on their first date. The relationship ended quickly and the writer started "dating" this guy and moved in with him. Now she is upset because: 

  1. he took her to a cheaper restaurant on their first date and
  2. he refuses to now take her to the same fancy restaurant. 

She asked him, "Am I not worth more to you than your previous girlfriend?... Don't I deserve to go to this restaurant?" Of course, she continued to give her body to him on a regular basis free of charge.  Then, in the same breath, states she is not being treated like the great woman she believes she is. So she whined to the columnist: "What should I do to make him treat me better?" 

I only wish things were so warped when I was in the dating market. These days, the amount of free action available to young men is mind-boggling. 


Posted by Staff at 10:57 AM