March 6, 2013Rules 'Male' Daddies Have
I have been a fan of your show for years and recently to my absolute horror my daughter started dating a 23-year-old "male" with a 3 1/2-year-old son. I was told I was judgmental and closed-minded. This was my first experience with this kind of selfish and ugly behavior and seeing the thought process of this "male" is truly ugly. I have given a lot of thought to this dilemma and have put down The Top Ten Rules These "Male" Daddies Have.
1. Never accept responsibility (I didn't know that's where babies come from).
2. Avoid commitment (We'll get married later - much much later).
3. Dump that pregnant girlfriend! (We simply grew apart.)
4. I'm not happy and I deserve to be happy at any cost.
5. No matter what always portray yourself as an innocent bystander/victim especially to your next girlfriend.
6. Spending time with your new girlfriend takes priority over your child.
7. It's good for the kid to see Dad with other women. Maybe he can be a stepchild someday.
8. Give cash instead of time or nurturing (Kids don't need nurturing).
9. I'm a good father- I see the kid when it's convenient for me.
10. I'm setting a good example of a father for my kid.
Unfortunately there are more.
Thanks again for your show and keep up the nagging!
I am my kids' dad!
Posted by Staff at 10:16 AM