May 9, 2013I'd Like to Tell My Mom...
In 2003 my mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. My younger sister, who lived in another state, tried to provide the right care for her and my Dad, but after mom fell for the third time, Mom was put in a rehab facility. When I walked into the facility to visit her, one of the nurses said to me, "You must be Evelyn's son. You have her beautiful smile."
I was told she probably would not recognize me. Not only did she call me by name and light up with that smile I inherited, she said, "Are you here to rescue me?" That statement hit me like a ton of bricks. I had to excuse myself to go into the hallway so she would not see me crying.
We celebrated her 85th birthday together. She was very alert and understanding most of the time we were there and even my dad said, "This is the best she's been aware in many months."
Looking back, there are so many things that I'd like to thank her for teaching me as a child: encouraging me to play music, striving to sing well, having a good work ethic or being a good Christian. She’d talk to a stranger at the grocery store, and I’d ask if she knew them. She responded "I didn't, but I do now." These are the lessons I fall back on as an adult.
I'd like to tell her again how I appreciate all of the time she spent with me helping to shape me into a sensitive real man.
Thanks for your time Dr. Laura and thanks for what you do.
Posted by Staff at 11:00 AM