May 19, 2014
Because She Wasn't Murdered...
Dear Dr. Laura,
This evening, my husband/boyfriend gave me a break by bathing our 3-year-old. This allowed me to catch up on your podcasts, and I heard your recent comments on the female monster who posted her baby murder video (abortion) on the Internet. Hearing the horror of her comments depressed my spirit and brought me to tears as I listened to my little angel play with her Tyrannosaurus Rex and rubber ducky toys. The giggles and splashes of this sweet little gift from heaven amplified the evil of this woman's comments, and my tears fell freely as I grieved the loss of that sweet baby.
We adopted our little girl just two months ago, after having had her in our home through foster care for nearly two years. Your comments were concluding as my little girl, wrapped in an over-sized blue towel walked around the corner. A huge smile exploded over her wet face when she saw me, and she said "Mommy! You here! I love you Mommy! You my friend!" At that moment, the depression that had settled into my soul was expelled by an overwhelming gratitude for this little angel's birth mother. She could have easily murdered this person, but she didn't. And because of that, I have her as a blessing in my life. I can't remember or imagine my life without her. I don't want a life without her. She is my little girl, just as if I had given birth to her. But I didn't.
Keep fighting the good fight to encourage young women to choose adoption over abortion. Because one woman made this choice, my life, my little girl's life and the lives of our entire family will never be the same. And that makes it worth it. I testify that this is the truth through personal, poignant and powerful experience.
Respectfully and gratefully,
Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM