October 27, 2011WonderWife
Dr. Laura:
I know by being a loyal listener you get loads of mail from husbands who complain about their wives and girlfriends and I want to break that barrier. I want to tell you about my wife.
We have been married 37 years and although we haven't had a perfect marriage, my wife has always been there for me no matter what. She is my wife, lover, girlfriend, partner, and above all my best friend. I have not always been there for her, but that never stopped her from being there for me. I can't say enough about her and will raise my praises for her to anybody. I don't know what I would do without her and hopefully will never have to find out. She is an inspiration to me and shows she loves me every day. She is never too busy or too tired to show her support and love for me. I feel like this is a one sided street sometimes and work very hard to prove to her I am worthy of her. I won't go on, but I think you see I have a very special woman and to let you know they are still out there. I have the diamond of the crop.
Keep up the great work and thank you for being there for the people that need the help.
Posted by Staff at 2:50 PM