February 24, 2014Kid Focused Review: 'The Lego Movie' - Glitzy Surface, Lackluster Substance
Julie Samrick
Kid Focused
"Everything is awesome" for The Lego Movie's leading character Emmet, where in his Lego-constructed world all citizens abide by the rules and optimism abounds. Chosen by a prophecy to be an imaginative "master builder," and save the world from Kragl (a misspelling of Krazy Glue, which symbolizes no imagination or thinking outside structured, strict manual-led lives) Emmet is forced out of this utopian way of thinking and must face that being so agreeable doesn't always bring respect.
The beginning of The Lego Movie has a nice hook and the last 20 minutes finally tie up loose ends, but the middle is just one huge promotion for the Lego franchise with a convoluted plot. When I asked my younger kids (10, 7 and 5) to explain what it's about, all they could retell was the catchy "Everything is Awesome" song.
Kid Focused Grades for Lego Movie:
Compelling story line- C
Emmet is as b-o-r-i-n-g as you might expect a Lego man could be and he's mocked continuously for it. Thinking he was chosen as "The Special" for a reason, the supporting characters spend the whole movie trying to figure out why Emmet received such an honor. How Will Ferrell's adult, human character is tied in at the end with the larger story is somewhat redeeming, but it's too little, too late.
Strong message- B
Embrace what's special about you. Don't try to be like other people. Trust your instincts.
Leading character is a role model- C
Emmet is a nice enough guy, albeit wimpy.
Sexual or adult content - C+
Emmet develops a crush on the free-spirited Wildstyle even though she's dating Batman. There is some hand holding and cuddling, but no kissing.
Language and Violence- C-
The language in The Lego Movie is mild in comparison to its loud special effects, fast action sequences, punching, explosions, car racing, shooting, etc.
Suited for the whole family- B-
For children ages 6 and up. Boys will likely enjoy The Lego Movie more than girls will.
Overall Kid Focused Grade for Lego Movie: C+
Rated PG Running Time: 1 hour 35 minutes
Julie Samrick is a stay-at-home mom of four young kids and the founder of Kid Focused, a site devoted to children and family issues. Subscribe to the free Kid Focused newsletter delivered weekly to your inbox. If you enjoyed this post, "Like" us on Facebook for updates on more posts like it. Permission granted for use on DrLaura.com.
Posted by Staff at 7:00 AM