Make Sure He Takes Care Of His Lawn
March 1, 2016
Make Sure He Takes Care Of His Lawn

Dear Dr. Laura:

My five year old daughter walked in the house with my husband after a bike ride, and my husband asked her:  "So, before you marry a man some day, make sure he does what?"  And she replied:  "Takes care of his lawn!" 

Not only did that make me giggle, but it made me grateful to have a husband to teach these little things to our kids.  It does say a lot about a man who takes pride in what he does.  In addition to taking care of his lawn, I tell her to choose wisely and treat kindly (as her daddy and I have done) and she'll be just fine.

Thank you Dr. Laura for being my second mom and instilling values in me that have helped shape the family my husband and I have created.  You definitely have raised a generation!


Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM