May 13, 2010How 'Bout Buying Your Kids Some "Blow?"

Just when I thought it was safe to go on to another subject, we have yet another attempt to draw our kids down the wrong alley. Picture this: a white powder that comes in a clear vial. It's sold with a mirror and fake credit card. The product is called "Blow," one of the street names for cocaine. It's a powdered energy drink, and the obvious comparison to cocaine is alarming.The advertising is very pro drug culture, designed to entice and to look at drugs and drug behavior as cool and glamorous. Not only that, but each drink is like having almost 7 cans of Coca Cola, with 240 milligrams of caffeine - downright dangerous!When the company's owner was challenged, he said:
"Parents that think it's despicable are typically the parents that don't want to take personal responsibility for educating their children about drugs and addiction in general."
That is a load of garbage. How can parents deal with their children's constant brainwashing with the Disney girl behaviors and power drinks that mimic drugs? How can families insulate themselves from the forces attempting to make a profit as well as have access to ever new markets for sexual exploitation and drug sales - legal or otherwise?
Posted by Staff at 12:59 AM