8 Ways to Create a Healthier You
October 13, 2014
8 Ways to Create a Healthier You

Evelyn Roberts Brooks


Everyone I know wants more vibrant health, a body that is toned and flexible, and an abundance of energy. In fact, five of the top ten New Year's resolutions each year relate to improving one's health.

There are only two reasons you don't have great health (or you fear losing it):

  1. You lack the awareness your thoughts create your results
  2. You haven't learned how to keep your mental attention focused on what you do want long enough for it to become your reality. 

Our emotionally charged expectations produce the results we see and experience in our lives.  For instance, you may have heard in the news women should get tested for the BRCA gene mutation and then, if testing positive, have their ovaries removed to prevent cancer. Although preventative surgery may help a woman temporarily relieve her emotional stress about getting cancer, unless she also changes her fear-based thinking habits, she remains at risk for additional unwanted results, not only in her health, but other areas of her life.

Throughout time, our society has had a dark undercurrent of minimizing the trauma to women's bodies and emotional health from rape, assault, molestation, clitoral circumcision, sexual slavery, pornography, legal ownership of a wife's body, property, and her children, as well as over-prescribed hysterectomies and mastectomies. 

Let's embrace the concept of the female body as sacred.  Believing in the feminine sacred leads us naturally towards taking actions that are respectful and harmonious, rather than destructive. 

Whatever your mind believes, your body expresses in an exact harmonious match. Fear-based thoughts and a focus on what you do not want result in attracting unwanted medical conditions, as if you'd ordered them from a menu.  

You have the power to begin attracting the health you desire, no matter what condition your body is expressing today. If you align steadily and consistently with thoughts of wellness, your body will become healthier. That's not a fanciful wish; that is a law of science.

Here are eight ways to manifest improved health, starting today:

  1. Create a positive goal statement. Read it frequently, to imprint the desire on your subconscious mind. "I am so happy and grateful now that my health is in the process of getting better and better every day. I enjoy vigorous vitality!"
  2. Stop mentally hanging out with illness. Avoid complaining about your body. That's junk food thinking. Align yourself with how it feels to be happy and healthy. This raises your energy. Trick your mind into believing you already have the optimum results you desire, and your body will respond - it will change to match that imagined state of wellbeing.
  3. Stop comparing yourself. Notice when you are comparing yourself to others, and worrying you'll get their disease. Instead, model your thoughts and behavior after those who enjoy wellbeing.
  4. Pay attention. Be aware of when your thinking drifts into old notions about conquering disease.  An emotional battle keeps you on the Fear Channel.  By focusing on disease, even if you don't get cancer, you'll attract similar low-level conditions, such as job loss, an accident, and other unwanted events.
  5. Raise your joy radar. Use the power of gratitude to elevate yourself onto the high vibration of the Joy Channel.
  6. Stop and think. Whenever you're nervous or upset, use the "W.A.I.T."  process. My acronym W.A.I.T.  is a reminder to notice whether you are nurturing negative or positive thoughts by asking:  What Am I Tweaking?  
  7. Distract. Any time you find it difficult to keep your thoughts off what you don't want to attract, distract yourself. Take a nap, go for a walk, play with your kids or pet, or watch a comedy movie.  During that time, the relief you feel means you are not attracting the undesired results.
  8. Meditate daily. My bonus gift at the link below includes meditations to start using now.

It may seem unfair that thinking about something you don't want brings it to you. But once you grasp your power to create desired outcomes by focusing on what you do want, I think you'll agree it's not only possible, but also definite that you'll enjoy a healthier body from this day forward.

Evelyn Roberts Brooks is a bestselling author, speaker and transformational life coach.  Go to evelynbrooks.com to enjoy over 400 free articles, free webinar invitations and to receive your free 3-Way Guilt & Stress Busters gift collection. To learn more about W.A.I.T. and other tools for working in harmony with the universal laws, see her book, "You Were Born to Triumph: Create a Five-Star Life in Your Quantum Kitchen." For your free parenting workshop video gift, "The Secret to Family Harmony, " and articles about raising great children and enjoying a happy family life, click herePermission granted for use on DrLaura.com.

Posted by Staff at 12:13 PM