Peonies Out of the Horse Poop
July 10, 2013
Peonies Out of the Horse Poop

My daughter and I heard your monologue about life being peonies growing out of lots of horse poop. She recently had a "horse poop" moment.  She graduated high school this year and in her final season of her favorite sport, she was treated poorly by a coach. This led to a confrontational meeting, and eventually her leaving the team and the sport she loves so much before the end of the season. We agonized over this situation, but we know we handled it in the best way we could have. Whether we were right or wrong in the details, she stood up for herself. And although she lost out on playing the game, she walked away with her head up and backbone firmly intact.

There really are "horse poop" moments throughout life. You never know quite when you'll hit them, or how deep they'll be, but you have to be farsighted enough to look forward and do the best you can to wade, or even crawl, through them. The peonies make it worth the trip.

Thanks for the uplifting words, because once again you have been a blessing to someone you didn't even know.


Posted by Staff at 10:01 AM