January 5, 2018Easy to Love Him
When I first met my husband, I said to myself, “What a goof!” Silly me, I fell in love. Now I laugh every day.
Thank you Dr. Laura for decades of wise counsel. Your radio show and books opened my eyes, ears, and heart. Over time I heeded to your marriage advice: choose wisely and treat kindly. When I married my husband, I married his family of 2 young adult children. When I said “I do,” I fully agreed to not having babies. I chose to invest in my husband, his son, and his daughter. I have had no regrets. Their love has blessed me. Of course, I took my time with my decision to marry and took pre-marital counseling with my husband. During this time I realized I didn't need to be married to be fulfilled. However, I chose to marry my best friend because I wanted to laugh, love, and grow with him. We just celebrated our eighth anniversary.
Our first three years were emotionally challenging. I cried a lot. It was during this time I read your book, “The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands.” Wow! It was amazing how quickly our lives moved in a positive motion once I changed my habits. You guided me to be quiet, listen well, and play more. I learned to hear how I was received no matter my intent. I silenced my fearful “what ifs." Then, I poured on the small showers of affection. My passion was food to my husband's being. Now, he eagerly moves mountains for me. Being married to my husband has made me a better person. I adore how easy it is to love him. Two years ago my husband's daughter and son said to me, “We like who our Dad is when he is with you.” My heart jumped for joy.
I am so grateful to be my husband's girlfriend. He is my Sunshine. He lights up my world and keeps me giggling.
Posted by Staff at 10:58 AM