A Toddler's Lament
October 24, 2011
A Toddler's Lament

A Toddler's Lament

Mommy please stay,
Mommy please stay.
I love you Mommy,
Please, please STAY.

You know what I need,
You know what I feel,
You watch me, you hold me, you cuddle, you kiss.
It's you I want Mommy,
It's you I will miss.

Mommy please stay,
Mommy please stay.
These ladies are nice, but they look away.
They don't pay attention or hear what I say.
They just take one look and walk away.

I eat, I sleep, I run, I play.
But I want you Mommy for the whole day.
Mommy please stay,
Mommy please stay.
I love you so much.
Please please stay.

- Deborah

Posted by Staff at 1:00 AM