July 7, 2011
Positive Efforts Pay Off!

My sweet husband and I have been married for almost 30 years. We look like the typical older couple with 4 kids, carrying a little extra weight, getting grey together. He's experienced hair loss and I have experienced loss of gravity on some of my body parts. To be sure we don't look sexy and hot to anyone else, but we love each other and are devotedly faithful and loyal to one another. I think he is handsome and he tells me all the time how beautiful I am to him.

My husband has a healthy sexual appetite and I admit I haven't always felt like sharing a bountiful feast. The reality of demands of motherhood, struggling with depression, trying to find time to exercise every day, taking care of my aged, invalid mother for years, being a stay at home mom (which meant cooking from scratch and sewing my kids' clothes to make ends meet) have kept me tired most of the time.  I have listened to your show for years and read some of your books. After reading The Proper Care & Feeding of Husbands, I was a little irritated about the idea of being even more sexual than we already were. However, as the years have progressed, I definitely see our relationship bond even more tightly because of my positive efforts.

I am telling you about this intimate part of my life because my husband gave me the highest praise a wife could receive from her husband and I wanted to share what he said.

After an afternoon tryst in my husband's office, (behind a locked door, of course), he was holding me on his lap and stroking my hair. Quietly, he whispered in my ear "I have no need for fantasies. My memories and reality exceed any fantasies a man could ever have." I am weeping with joyful tears just typing this to you. Isn't that the most GORGEOUS thing to say to a sweetheart?

I think if more women took to heart your advice from your book, they could experience the same kind of close, delicious bond in their marriage. It IS possible...all it takes is a positive and loving attitude.

Thank you, Dr. Laura for encouraging wives to take care of their MAN. I bet the divorce rate of those who read your book and put the advice into action is MUCH lower than the national average.


Posted by Staff at 12:00 AM