July 27, 2015

I've been podcast listening for three years now, it's a great addition to my retirement activities. I listen to at least one hour at bedtime and fit the other two hours in as I can. 

I always say going to church makes you accountable to God, your pastor, church friends, kids that you work with there. You are not just letting yourself down. It helps keep you accountable. 

Sometimes you have calls about grief. There is a 13 week program in lots of churches sponsored from organization called Griefshare at I attended after the death of my brother, and helped out afterward.  During that time, my dad died too. You have helped me a lot as well because my parents were alcoholics. I have seen people come to these programs who could not even talk without crying change to laughing and hugging others the end. Many come back to encourage new folks and pick up what they may have missed. Just wanted to let you know it was available in case you did not know. 

Thanks for being our nation's Jiminy Cricket. 


Posted by Staff at 10:58 AM