July 27, 2011
A Couple of Hours a Day

To my compass, teacher and friend Dr. Laura,

I am sitting here at work listening to three new mothers in the break room talking with other women in the office. Sometimes the feminism in this place makes me nauseous. And as I am forced to listen in on their loud feminist conversation I had to email you my frustration. The three new mothers were sharing letters they've each received from their mothers. In these letters, their moms were expressing their disappointment in them for going back to work and placing their children in day care. After the 15 minute bashing on their "Molly Mormon" mothers, that's when the day care discussion began.

I wasn't sure if you were aware of this, but apparently (according to these intellectual career women) children in day care have better social skills, better test scores and better behavior. And after they shared all the incredible scientific evidence supporting this (none) they finished off the discussion with "as if that's not enough evidence to show that a couple more hours a day with your kid just isn't beneficial."

And as my head was about to explode. Just as I was about to march in there and give those women a piece of my mind...a picture of my mother popped in my head. A woman I have missed and wished was with me since she died when I was eleven years old. Then another thought. Thinking of my little baby sister who was only four when she died. Just think of the memories she must have of her. They were all within the first four years of her life.

And these women are willing to throw a few "priceless" hours a day away that they could be spending with their children - all for a social life. A few hours a day that are now memories I and my siblings have of our mother. Memories their children won't have of their mothers. After all the anger of listening to their conversation, in the end, I am sad.


Posted by Staff at 12:00 AM