
I love your program and listen everyday in the car. Recently, you had a guest on talking about the new definitions of rape. I agree with both of you. Young women of today have to take responsibility for themselves and their actions. More >>
Tags: Abuse, Morals, Rape, Sex, Values

I love your program and listen everyday in the car. Recently, you had a guest on talking about the new definitions of rape. I agree with both of you. Young women of today have to take responsibility for themselves and their actions. More >>
Tags: Abuse, Morals, Rape, Sex, Values

I love your program and listen everyday in the car. Recently, you had a guest on talking about the new definitions of rape. I agree with both of you. Young women of today have to take responsibility for themselves and their actions. More >>
Tags: Abuse, Morals, Rape, Sex, Values
 There's a new study out from San Diego State University saying that children and young adults today are the most anxious and depressed of the last seventy years.I'm not surprised at all.' Having too many choices is chaos.' Morals and values have been sacrificed in favor of infamy and fortune.' When sports heroes are infamous and rich'because they took drugs to increase their performance, that is demoralizing to kids who work hard to aspire to athletic greatness simply by practicing a lot.' When other young people get famous for flaunting drugs and anti-social behavior, it makes it difficult for the kids who simply work hard.When you have a major Hollywood producer/director putting together a movie to excuse and explain Hitler (in context, he says), you have a generation that has no clear understanding of evil.When you have military dying in the fields of foreign countries because we are at war with a religious ideology that wants to terminate western civilization, and one of their combatants is caught and tried only as a common criminal, you have a generation that is confused.When you have a culture that does not support the basic building block of education - the family - we have children turning to equally confused peers and pop culture.When the people in positions of power, authority and fame turn out to be of little character, you have a generation that doesn't know what to respect or whom to emulate.It all matters.Our kids pay the price.
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Tags: Depression, Family/Relationships - Children, Fear, Health, Mental Health, Morals, Morals, Ethics, Values, Parenting, Personal Responsibility, Stress
 Earlier this month, I took a call that I thought was a perfect example of how "moral nearsightedness" is overcoming American society.This twenty-something young woman was pregnant out-of-wedlock, "shacking up" with her alleged fiance (they are living with his father), and the fiance doesn't have enough income to support a wife and child.But
that's not why she called!!
In fact, when I pointed out the irresponsibility and immaturity of conceiving out of wedlock with a guy incapable of supporting a family, I got back:
"Well, that's not my question!"
(And, by the way, she didn't want to have a wedding until after the baby was born and she got her figure back in order to wear a white gown).Her question actually related to her mother.' Apparently, her mommy came to visit and "got it on" with the fiance's dad....
all night
.' There were other children (of other family members) in the home when this was happening.That's as far as she got when I said:
"It's genetic."
She responded with:
I repeated and expanded:
"It's genetic...having no moral foundation for decisions.' Like mother, like daughter."
Now that may sound harsh to you, but truth often is, and there was nothing I could do to change anything about this situation.' She was already "shacking up" and pregnant; her mother already had humped the maybe future father-in-law.' Her question was going to be about confronting her mom about this outrageous behavior.' I couldn't bear to hear her even go there, considering she was the pot and the kettle all by herself.It's a shame both of our eyes point only outwards.' It would be a far, far better thing if one of them turned inwards.
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Tags: Ethics, Family, Family/Relationships - Family, Feminism, Health, Morals, Morals, Ethics, Values, Personal Responsibility, Relatives, Shacking Up, Shacking-Up, Social Issues, Values
 There is very little broadcast television that matters, but there is a lot of broadcast television that tears down morale and morality.There is one ray of persistent sunshine - the one minute spots produced by The Foundation for A Better Life.' These are the most touching, moving, elevating, lovely video essays you can imagine.'The one I saw in the middle of watching the 5:30AM morning news showed a ferocious scene of a very physical professional hockey game.' The scene then shifts to the locker room where all these sweaty, huge and muscular macho guys are getting ready for the next game.' One of them is on the telephone, trying to hide his face and voice from the rest of his buddies.' He's clearly uncomfortable, but doing what the person on the other end of the phone is asking him to do:' sing the "itsy bitsy spider."' The scene cuts to his little daughter giggling with delight as Daddy sings to her while Mommy holds her on her lap.' Daddy finishes the song, and tells his daughter he loves her.' He hangs up to find his buddies surrounding him and doing the hand motions of the itsy bitsy spider going up the water spout.' He says "Hey, it's my girl - my daughter," and all the guys smile like crazy.It's just so lovely.' The Foundation for A Better Life has a website - check it out at
.' Look at their archives.' Be touched and moved like me, and be elevated in your mood as you try to survive the moral decay of our society.' There
a light!
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Tags: Children, Internet-Media, Internet/Media, Morals, Morals, Ethics, Values, Parenting, Values