 Talk about dangerous and destructive!' A Johnson County (Kansas) grand jury is investigating Planned "Un"Parenthood to determine whether the abortion provider complies with Kansas laws on parental notification and the 24-hour waiting period.The grand jury panel has asked for medical records of sixteen women who had abortions in 2003.' Planned Parenthood is refusing to turn them over, claiming patient privacy right violations.' However, the grand jury wants the following patient information:' date of birth, date of last menstruation, dates and times of medical procedures, and notifications and/or consultations with patients.' The grand jury is not asking for any patient-identifying information like name, social security number, address, phone numbers or next of kin - they can be eliminated before the information is sent on to them.' So much for patient privacy violations.Additionally (according to the
Kansas City Star
), charges allege that Planned Parenthood performed illegal later-term abortions in 2003 and falsified, forged, and failed to maintain related records.The ACLU and Planned Parenthood are also pushing San Diego's school board to end long-standing policies which require parental notification when students are pregnant and contemplating abortion, and parental consent before students leave campus, including trips to abortion clinics. The ACLU and Planned Parenthood are claiming that this violates the privacy rights of students and that the mentality is "antiquated and dangerous."'I've had conversations with some of these ACLU and Planned Parenthood types over the years, and it's absolutely scary how paranoid they are about parental involvement in their children's lives.' They are thoroughly convinced, it would seem, that parents universally impregnate and/or beat their children, and that only
are the grand protectors of children.' If that's so, I wonder why Planned Parenthood gets in trouble for not reporting molestations when adult males bring in minor females for abortions?' Gets mighty confusing to me.Happily, the Pacific Justice Institute (PJI) sent a letter to the school board, urging them to stand by their parent and family-friendly policies and offered free legal assistance if those policies are challenged in court.' PJI President, Brad Dacus stated in the Standard Newswire that
"Contrary to ACLU and Planned Parenthood propaganda, parental responsibility is not antiquated or illegal.' It is indispensable to a decent society.' We urge the San Diego School Board not to cave in to pressure from radicals who ignore common sense and distort constitutional principles."
PJI's affiliate attorney commented:
"Parents are morally and legally responsible for their minor children, so it is just common sense that they should be aware of their children's whereabouts, particularly if they are being subjected to life-altering medical procedures, such as abortions."
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Tags: Family, Family/Relationships - Family, Planned Parenthood, Relationships, Relatives, Social Issues
 A word to the wise...keep your love notes sincere, or you'll end up on the Internet looking like this:
To Mary, the love of my life:There is nothing I would not do to reach your side.' I would climb the highest mountain!' I would cross the trackless desert!' I would swim the widest ocean to be near you, my beloved.
With love and tenderness,
JonathanP.S.' See you Saturday night, if it doesn't rain.
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Tags: Education, Family/Relationships - Family, Marriage, Quote of the Week, Relationships, Relatives
 This piece of advice is from Kathleen's grandmother, who, at 69, has been married for
52 years
"A woman holds all the control in the family.' She is the center of the home.' When she is happy, everyone is lifted, and when she is not, she can drag everyone down with her.' Be generous with your affection, and let the little things go.' And most importantly, if you don't give your husband what he needs, he will look for it somewhere else."
Sounds like she was practicing "The Proper Care & Feeding of Husbands" long before I ever wrote the book!
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Tags: Education, Family/Relationships - Family, Marriage, Quote of the Week, Relationships, Relatives
 The way to my heart...is through my heart, and the family of Frank King did just that.
"King, Frank L., 84, beloved husband, father, grandfather, and great-grandfather, died peacefully in his sleep at his home in North Tustin, California after a lengthy illness."
Frank enlisted in the Marine Corps in 1943 and flew missions as a tail gunner, navigator, and radioman in World War II and Korea. For his service, he received numerous decorations and medals.' He had a "Marine" mindset his whole life, always following his credo: "What did we say we would do?' Then do it!"Charice and Ron King, the son and daughter-in-law of Mr. King, contacted us about
Operation Family Fund
because they knew their beloved father "would be pleased" to have donations made in lieu of flowers.'Mr. King is survived by a huge number of loving family and friends.' And now, because of this request, he is also survived by a huge number of families of fallen military.In just a few days, more than $2000 has been sent to Operation Family Fund (OFF) in Mr. King's respected name and memory.Operation Family Fund and all of us at The Dr. Laura Program are humbly grateful for this gracious thoughtfulness.I would like to offer my personal condolences to the family of friends of Mr. King, who was obviously a remarkable man.
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Tags: 10 Stupid Things Women Do to Mess Up Their Lives, Charity, Military, Quote of the Week, Relationships, Ten Stupid Things Women Do to Mess Up Their Lives
 I get thousands of emails, letters and faxes every week.' They can be funny, sobering, trivial, deep.' Every once in a while one comes in that just takes my breath away.' This is one of those:
"I am terminally ill with cancer.' I AM GOING TO BE HAPPY EVERY DAY.' Life is a very great gift.' I am very grateful for each day.' Even if all you get in life is one sunrise or one sunset; life is a fantastic present. I DO NOT FEEL GUILTY FOR MY HAPPINESS."
She asked me not to use her name.
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Tags: Education, Family/Relationships - Family, Halloween, Holidays, Marriage, Movie Review, Movies, Parenting, Quote of the Week, Relationships, Relatives, Thanksgiving