A Beautiful Way to Make a Living
By Angela Corbell
I'm thrilled to let you know about the opportunity I discovered that hasallowed me to FINALLY be a stay-at-home mom!
When I had my second daughter last year, I was determined to find a way tobe home with my children. I searched the internet for months and talked toeveryone I could find! I knew there had to be a way to work from home andmake money. What I found was so much more! I have found a tremendousopportunity for one of the finest companies in the United States. I'm soproud to represent them!
Southern Living at HOME is a new division of the Southern ProgressCorporation. They are well known for Southern Living magazine, CookingLight, Oxmoor House Publishing and Coastal Living magazine. For the past 9years they have been working to create a company that would allow people todecorate their homes, kitchens and garden/yards, so they would look like thebeautiful pictures in Southern Living magazine. They decided to create a"home party plan" so women could meet in homes and visit with one another.It would be a warm and inviting atmosphere, rather than a store-front or website. They began business in January of this year and are already thefastest growing Direct Sales organization in the United States. Thewonderful thing about Southern Living at HOME is that they represent all thewonderful values and traditions that are important in my family. I love mynew job and would love to share this fabulous opportunity with others. Weneed consultants nationwide! Please feel free to contact me at 512-863-7529or e-mail me:
Angela Corbell
Southern Living at HOMENew home-based business backed by Southern Living Magazine
Dr. Laura Schlessinger and DrLaura.com does not assume responsibility for advice given. All advice should be weighed against your own abilities and circumstances and applied accordingly. It is up to the reader to determine if advice is safe and suitable for their own situation.