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Letters From Listeners

A Tribute to Dad

I just wanted to share a post I made recently on Facebook. (I am only friends with family and a few real friends...) It was a tough day at work, one of those where I would have picked up the phone to call my dad. I miss his advice and friendship. Here is what I wrote:

When our loved ones leave this earth, they bless each of us with an inheritance. Not one of possessions, trinkets and treasures...these hold no true value. Instead they leave us with a piece of themselves in our hearts - their wisdom in our brains. Look around and you will see your loved ones living on in everyone whose life they touched. Learn to recognize and appreciate these gifts and you help your loved ones to live on. When you are missing them, make a list of these gifts you see in others and you will realize they are still here.

Today, I am really missing my dad. So on my drive home, I worked on my list. For those of you who never had the pleasure of meeting my dad, this might give you an idea of how wonderful of a person he was. To those of you on this list, these are just a few of the things I see in each of you.

Mom: I see strength in you and I don't think you fully realize is there.
My Sister L: You have Dad's patience and planning.
My Nephew L: Your mom is continuing to show you all the things, big and small, that bring pure joy to the world. That twinkle in your eye came from heaven.
My Sister C: You have a big heart that is willing to help anyone in need.
My Brother-in-Law D: I see an amazing father in you.
My Nephew I: What an amazing young man who has a quest for learning new things.
My Niece A: My dad loved to make himself and others laugh, and I see that in you.
My Husband: You have my Dad's gift of being a quiet but mighty force.
My Daughter: You have my Dad's drive to do well in life, and also his compassion for others.
Myself: I think I was blessed with Dad's logical approach to problems.

All of us: We are all blessed with an appreciation of music (and some of us make that face when we sing). We all quote those classic movie lines. We all want to be sure that no one ever eats a piece of cake alone. I could go on and on...


Tags: Adult Child-Parent, Family/Relationships - Adult Child/Parent, Family/Relationships - Family, Father, Importance of Fathers, Motherhood-Fatherhood, Parenting, Relationships, Relatives
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