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Email of the Day

Becoming the Man of My Household

Dr. Laura, 

Early in my career, I was hired by a Fortune 500 company, destined for sales and I loved it.  When I got my first sales territory, my new bride and I were elated.  The following weekend, we drove to her parents' cottage to share the news. Suffice it to say they were less than thrilled I was taking their only daughter far from home. To be blunt, my in-laws were pissed! That Saturday night my father-in-law stayed up into the early morning hours listing us the reasons WHY we should not move there. Sunday morning came and, with an awful pit in my gut, we went to breakfast where the cajoling continued. I was reaching a boiling point, and I really wanted to talk to my dad, but since he died months earlier that obviously wasn't possible. 

When we arrived back at the cottage I had had it. As we exited their car, I realized I had to take this bull by the horns and put it down once and for all.  I told my in-laws the next day I would quit my job, but only on one condition: they support me and their daughter from this point forward. The look in my father in-law's face was priceless. I was very frank when I said if I do not take this promotion my career with the company was over; immediately. 

I grew up as a jock; played football, and boxed in college, and I know, when I get pushed too far, I will stand my ground. I am so thankful I did what I did that day, as it helped shape me more than I ever thought it could. My wife and I moved away.  My in-laws visited many times and absolutely loved where we lived. 


Tags: Attitude, Behavior, In-Laws, Marriage, Men's Point of View, Relatives
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