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Letters From Listeners

Caring First About Children

Dear Dr. Laura,

For decades, you’ve led the charge for family unity and marriage in parenthood. Bold and unwavering, day after day, you analyzed and promoted the importance and benefits of children being raised with loving, committed mothers and fathers who support their physical, emotional, intellectual and financial needs as they grow.

You illustrated for hundreds-of-thousands or more listeners how in-tact families—-in the absence of abuse, of course—-give children the best chance in life and that intentionally and carelessly denying children of their fathers is, in fact, under-serving their essential needs.

You spoke up first and most directly, with brilliance and endurance, about how the growing baby-mommy/baby-daddy culture is a destructive, selfish and undermining force to American families, individuals and society at large. You cared more about the children being victimized by the men-are-irrelevant mindset than you did about your own popularity and, more than anyone else in America, you put your money—-as well as your time, heart and wisdom—-where your mouth was.

You remained bold, brave and consistent with your message despite the shunning of those who would put political “correctness” before “doing the right thing.” And in doing so, you have positively impacted the lives of countless individuals for generations.

Those who jump on the bandwagon now that it’s “safe” to discuss this important issue may garner praise from the fools who had held it as taboo while countless children suffered at the invisible hands of absentee “fathers” and the ill-equipped minds of self-centered “mothers.” But they’re merely followers of leaders like you; they see a new opportunity for increased media ratings, while you actually risked the ratings to speak the truth.

You, Dr. Laura, have the genuine and deserved respect, admiration and praise of those of us who know the difference that you have made via the wisdom you have spoken with courage, intelligence and persistent pursuit of educating people about what’s best for the precious children they bring in to this precious world.

As other heads may turn to watch the bandwagon newcomers, I acknowledge and thank you for all that you have done to help pave and lead the way on behalf of the healthy development of American children.

Nora Firestone
Tags: Character-Courage-Conscience, Character/Courage/Conscience, Family/Relationships - Family, Regarding Dr. Laura, Relatives, Values
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