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Letters From Listeners

Children Need Fathers

Hi Dr. Laura,

This morning as I was watching the my morning news show, one of the news achors had announced that she recently adopted a baby girl. She went on to say how happy she was, and how she never thought she could feel so much love as she does now. Then she went on to say that people would stop her in the streets and ask if she had children,  she would reply "no"; but now she can say "yes".

I thought to myself that's an odd thing to say, it's a baby, a human life not a trophy. It's not something that makes you fit in with everyone. Another thing that came to mind is, she is not married, in her 50's, and works full time. I thought how selfish, and unfair to that little girl. Feeding something in her, to make her whole and not thinking about the big, extended picture.

Children need fathers, especially girls. I guess it's job security for you, sad but true. Thank you for your help, and wisdom you share with the world every day! I have been a listener for 20+years. God Bless you. 

Do you think it's acceptable for a single parent to try and adopt? Send an email! Sign up for the FREE Dr. Laura Family and send an email here.

Tags: Adoption, Day Care, Parenting, Social Issues, Stay-at-Home Mom, Values
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