Hi Dr. Laura,
After first listening to you about a two years ago, I took your sage advice and started my trek toward being thin and healthy. I was so fat the Army wouldn't take me. It took me 1 and 1/2 years before any noticeable change occurred but I am now 100lbs lighter.
I am a fat man in a thin man's body and it would literally take me no more than a week to go back to me old body shape and size (I know, I've tested it)
I'd just like to say that you are right, it is a choice but not an easy one I could've quit after a month of no change, I could've quit after six months with no change, but my choice had been made and there was no exercise (plan) to quit or diet to stop (trying). I made a decision to change my everyday life and it SLOOOOWLY happened. So to all of the diet quitters out there I say, "stay off t he diet," it won't help you. Instead, choose to eat and live a different way.
I run seven miles a day and suck up the terrible knee pain I have from an old football injury so I can be thin only to have to women at work complain to me their diets, that include no physical activity whatsoever, have failed them. I thoroughly enjoy giving them a reality check (maybe a little too much)
Thank you for your inspiring insight
(please exclude my real name)