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Email of the Day

Day Care is Two Bad Words

I am a feminist's nightmare! I am college-educated and (gasp) threw it all away to first, be a flight attendant and then a stay-at-home mom!!!

Fifteen years ago, I quit my job as a flight attendant for a major US Airline (flying international routes worldwide). My hubby and I were blessed with our son and I did NOT want anyone else raising him! I consider "day care" to be two bad words! So I submitted my resignation to the airline and never looked back. Aside from a handful of our relatives, comments I received were "Oh my, how could you quit your job?" or "How could you give up that fun glamorous flight attendant job?" or better yet, "You gave up the free flights?" I am blessed to the moon and back to be the number one teacher in our kids' lives.

My hubby has always supported 300% our decision for me to stay home and raise the kids. He is so dedicated to our family, and the harmonious balance in our marriage is proof that having one person at home running the household smoothly and watching the kiddos evens out the stress and tribulations of a career. We just celebrated our 15th anniversary with a week-long trip back to where we were married (Banff Springs Hotel in the Canadian Rockies). It was a beautiful second honeymoon and the kids were with my aunt and uncle who graciously offered to watch them.

I have been a listener for about 13 years and thank you for your tireless efforts to convince parents out there to "do the right thing."


Tags: Parenting, Read On-Air, SAHM stay-at-home mom, Values
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