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Email of the Day

Dr. Laura-isms

Dear Dr. Laura,

I have to admit, when I started listening to you I listened for pure entertainment. I couldn't honestly believe people would call you WILLINGLY to have you talk to them the way you did. Now, I'm spouting Dr. Laura-isms to anyone who will listen. I'm a reformed feminist, a proud stay-at-home mom and my husband's girlfriend. Ironically, even my kids say, "The 'girlfriend' is way more fun than Mom! She's a bit less uptight!"

Very often, you say something that resonates with me and I stop and write it down. I refer back to this page of my notes in my phone whenever I need a reminder to "do the right thing." Just thought you might get a kick out of some of the Dr. Laura-isms that keep me going:

  • Your best teacher is your last mistake.
  • You forgive someone when they've shown remorse, taken responsibility, repaired the damage and taken steps to not repeat the behavior.
  • A boy cannot be a man in his mommy's house.
  • I want to be loving and sweet and not perfectly neat. This is my new mantra, instead of, I have to be everything to everybody all the time.
  • You can't practice what you don't know.
  • Regarding children: I'm not impressed with SMART. I'm impressed with DECENT.
  • Regarding your teenagers: From now on when they give you lip, you're deaf. You can be deaf for moments, hours, days. When they are polite to you, you can hear them again.
  • Whatever we admire our men for, they tend to do more of.
  • You cannot be replaced in your children's eyes. You can be replaced at work, just like that.
  • I don't believe in rescuing people when they shoveled the dirt out from underneath their own feet.
  • Let me be very frank with you. You knew it was an elephant, and you brought it home. You then do not have a discussion with the elephant, telling it you want it to be a zebra.
  • We like to be convinced with someone else's words, but what we live with is their behavior.
  • I'm sorry, but you chose this. I can't help you.
  • On raising kids: Whoever has the responsibility, has the power.
  • You don't have to be strong for your mother. A mother is supposed to be strong for her children. You've got it backwards.
  • You can't have principles only when there are no consequences.
  • The more you THINK and DO loving things, the more you will feel loving. Does that mean you're being phony? No. It means thinking positively and making an investment based on wonderful returns.
  • You aren't stupid... But you're acting stupidly! You can do a lot of damage to the people that you love when you don't appreciate what you already have.
  • It doesn't matter how hard something is. If it has to be done, it has to be done.
  • Don't blame God for YOU being a foolish person.
  • Taking risks exposes you to some failures, but not all - only SOME.


Thank YOU for being my constant reminder to be all that I AM!




Tags: Humor, Regarding Dr. Laura, Tips
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