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Email of the Day

Family Things Remembered

A recent email of the day reminded me of what my 6 siblings and I remember from 50 years ago: Everything we did as a family.

Every other Sunday when Dad had a day off, we would all go to early Mass together and then to the lake to sit around fishing, swim, roast hotdogs, make popcorn. Then the ride home: praying together and singing silly songs. We went on camping trips where each of us had a responsibility to help set up and maintain our campsite. We pooled our allowance to buy a Father's Day gift.

Yes, Kathleen, (referring to Moments to Remember), they will remember those Friday nights munching candy bars and watching t.v. together with you in your bed, and you've no idea how much they were learning then about what a family is.

We still connive to do things for Dad, now widowed for 19 years, like a conference call or paying for internet service so he can stay connected to the younger generations (at 94!) and coordinating visits from our scattered dwellings. I see the legacy in my parents' grandchildren and how they are raising the 4th generation. The origin of all this was the love and honor my parents bore each other and the discipline and prayer they invested in each and all of us.

Kathleen, you did somethin' right! God bless you and I prayed for your kids today.


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