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Letters From Listeners

Funny Birth Story

It was 32 years ago this October. I was in Texas and it was the first thunderstorm of the season. Yep! My water broke. I ran over to the toilet and my husband said "No, no, no."  Thinking the baby was coming out right then, he placed his hands underneath me to catch it so it wouldn't fall into the toilet!  That's what he said, "Whew! No baby yet."  He said he was going to get my suitcase and the car, and pick me up at the front door. I opened the door and he never showed up! He had left to go to the hospital without me. What a nut! Luckily he came back just in time for us to make it to the hospital and deliver a 9 pound baby girl in just 20 minutes. If only I had the rest of my children in 20 minutes!


Tags: Baby, Parenting
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