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Email of the Day

Giving Up My Career For My Son

I started listening to you after I returned to work from maternity leave, which is a year in Canada.  In tears, I would drop my son off at daycare, feeling in my heart that it was wrong, but every woman did it, right?  All my friends' kids were in daycare, so I thought something was wrong with ME.  Then I heard your voice on the radio, telling me that it WAS wrong. 

That day, I spoke to my husband, and after several serious discussions we were able to pull my son out of daycare and I quit my job.  People thought we were crazy at the time.  How could we afford to do that?  How could I give up my career?  I even lost some friends over this.  But I got better friends - other stay-at-home moms with values closer to mine.  It was wonderful when our daughter came along and there was no worry about returning to work.  It has been hard emotionally and financially at times, but it has been so worth it.  My husband says now he couldn't imagine me working with all I do for the family.

A side benefit to being a one-person working household is that it has set us up better for this time of sheltering in place.  I think now when you give premarital advice, you can also add, "imagine being quarantined in place with them for months?"  Thank you for championing stay-at-home moms.  I know you have made a world of difference in my family's life.

Tags: Job, Parenting, Personal Responsibility, Stay-at-Home Mom, Values
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