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Email of the Day

Gotta Get My Daily Dr. Laura!

Dr. Laura:

I found you about a year ago, and I've been hooked ever since!  I'm 20 years old and in my first serious relationship.  As you can imagine, I'm not the perfect girlfriend at this age, and I've got a lot of learning to do when it comes to understanding men.  Until I started listening, I had a skewed aspect about all things male; my attitude in life was basically feminist through and through.  

Once I decided to put some of your advice into action in terms of how I treated my boyfriend, I noticed a dramatic change in him.  I previously had been passive/aggressive, resentful and sarcastic.  Then I switched to "adorable" and sweet!  I realize now that there ARE great guys out there, and I found one.  But I guarantee that, not too long ago, you would have told him to break up with me and get on with his life.  I had treated him like one of my girlfriends.  I dumped my feelings on him, and I think I put the poor guy through hell.  

You taught me how much power a woman can really have in a relationship as long as she doesn't abuse or misuse it.  You've given me the tools to live a happy life, and I can't thank you enough.

Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Choose Wisely-Treat Kindly, Dating, Regarding Dr. Laura, Relationships, Values, Woman Power
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