Dear Dr. Laura,
I just want to thank you for encouraging moms to stay at home! I've listened to you for years and have been filing away your advice. My husband and I tried to have a baby for five years before we were finally blessed with baby Noah this past November! I thought it would be okay to go back to work just two days a week (even though I heard you in my head telling me that was NOT a good idea). I could keep my benefits working that little and I thought it would be worth it. NOT! I cried every day and was miserable. My mom was keeping Noah and I knew he was in good hands, but not mommy's hands. After my second day I resigned. They asked me to come back two weeks and I reluctantly agreed but after my second week I told them I wanted to be a good employee, but even more I wanted to be a good mommy and that I could not continue to work! You are so right! And I am so glad I heard that Dr. Laura voice in the back of my mind telling me I was doing the right thing. Thankfully I have a wonderfully supportive husband and our whole family is happier now.
You are making a difference and I am so thankful for you! Have a great day!