I left my husband of 26 years four years ago. I convinced myself that HE was at fault for everything wrong with our marriage. I spoke badly about him to friends and family and convinced them that he was the cause of my terribly miserable life. After I left, he refused to ever speak to me again. During the first year, I cried and cried. I called him and wrote him. When our divorce was final, I got alimony, but he got happiness. I was not there ridiculing his every move. I was not there complaining that he was not this or that. I now realize that I behaved like a rotten spoiled brat.
I wrote him a letter of apology, because he deserved it. I hoped and prayed he'd forgive me. He is now remarried, hopefully to a woman who appreciates all the same things he did for me. He probably wakes up every day with a smile. I hope she listens to you and takes your advice. I found you too late. It doesn't matter that I thought I was a good wife and that I did a lot of kind, loving things for him, because I tore them all down and crushed his heart and soul.
Ladies, please take care of your husband, and listen to Dr. Laura or you will be left with a broken heart that he had nothing to do with! I did this all to myself, and I want others to learn from my mistakes. No one deserves to be the recipient of the behavior I inflicted on my husband.
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