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Letters From Listeners

I Held My Ground

My daughter hated her 7th grade math teacher all year. He wasn't the best at teaching the children and no one seemed to like him; everyone thought he was a bad teacher. According to my 13 year old.

I planted my seed mid-year stating, "if you get a C or lower in any one will make it up in summer school". I thought that would solve the problem. She ran cross country in the fall and her grades went down. Then, she participated in track and field in the spring and she eventually did get a C in her Math class.

I held my ground and had her take a summer math class. I am a math teacher and her dad is a Civil engineer. Never once did she seek help. I will continue to hold my ground and have her serve time in the summer if she has additional excuses for the rest of the school year.

Thank you for giving me the courage to do the right thing for my teen!

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Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Education, Parenting, Personal Responsibility, Teens, Values
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