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Email of the Day

I'll Fight The World With You

When I was in the 11th grade, I took an information technology class.  We would email our completed assignments to the teacher who would grade them and mail them back.  When I got my report card, I had a C minus, even though all my assignments had been graded at B+ or better.  My teacher told me I hadn't turned in all my assignments, which of course was not the case. We were told to clear out our email inboxes weekly, so there was no proof I'd done and received grades for the work.  I thought the teacher was either disorganized or had it out for me.  

My dad believed me, and we set up a new email account so that when I mailed assignments to the teacher, he also got a copy.  We saved it all on a disk and had all the assignments date-stamped at the school.  The next semester, when this happened again, I showed the teacher my evidence, but she still refused to give me the proper grade.  I went home and told my Dad.

The next day, I was called to the principal's office, and there sat my Dad and the teacher.  The teacher sheepishly apologized to me and the principal said my grade would be adjusted for that term and for the prior term as well.  Then the principal did something I'll never forget - he shook my hand and then my Dad's hand and said to him: "The way you dealt with that is how fathers should deal with all situations."  Then he turned to me and said, "You are lucky to have a MAN as your father!"  On the way home, my Dad said: "If you do wrong, I'll let them serve you whatever punishment is justified, but if you're right I'll fight the world with you."   Now that I'm a husband and father, I do my best to remember times like that when my Dad had my back, and I do the same for MY son.


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Tags: Behavior, Character-Courage-Conscience, Education, Motherhood-Fatherhood, Personal Responsibility, Raising Boys to Men
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