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Email of the Day

I'm a Lucky Lady

Dear Dr. Laura,

I've often heard you talk about REAL MEN and how they are a dying breed.

Honestly, I agree with you... but how lucky am I that I DID marry a real man! My husband is a former Marine who served his country willingly. He is now a coal miner, who works long hours to support me and our young son so I can stay at home and care for him. He is an amazing father, a wonderful husband, and the true rock of our family. When he walks in a room, he has a presence about him that is assertive, yet kind. He stands up for what's right, and all the while treats me like a princess. I feel very blessed to have him in my life, and your show has helped me appreciate the rarity of such qualities.

Thank you for letting me brag about my husband a little bit and thank you for praising real men in a society that so often wants to tear them down.



Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Character-Courage-Conscience, Choose Wisely-Treat Kindly
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