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Email of the Day

Important for Little and Big Boys

Dear Dr. Laura,

I have been listening to you for at least 8 years now, and I have always loved you. You have guided me through husband, family, friends and even work drama! I am now a mommy to two wonderful little kids. My little boy is 4 years old, and he is so insightful! I just had to share this with you, it was so funny!

He loves to help mommy cook. We were making cupcakes for my daughter’s birthday, and he was stirring and stirring the batter. I said, "You are such a good cook! Are you going to cook for mommy when you grow up?" He stopped stirring, thought for about 5 seconds, and said, " No, I gotta get me a wife!" My husband heard it in the other room and we were both just dying laughing!!! It made me think how important we are to our little boys and our big boys, and the caring for them starts early. I had a light bulb moment!

Have a great day!


Tags: Child's humor, Humor, Parenting, Read On-Air
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