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Email of the Day

In Case of Emergency

Thank you for saving me from myself many times! You helped me choose wisely and treat my amazing alpha male husband kindly (for 23 years and counting). You’ve taught me to be polite, kind (yet stand my ground), to communicate and to be a role model for the things I want to see in my children. Because of you, I pick my battles, I let my kids fail sometimes and make mistakes, I stand between evil and the helpless and most importantly, I fiercely embrace my role as mama to four kids my husband and I are raising to be kind, empathetic, dignified, hardworking and hopeful adults.

All our kids have been raised listening to you in the car, which leads me to a cute story about my 7-year-old son. In case you ever wonder if the sweet little ears driving around with mama ARE listening to you, let me tell you this:

When my son was filling out his “Emergency Card” information at the beginning of school (yes, he was filling it out himself), he filled in the blank for “the number to call in case of emergency” with…. you guessed it…


I’m still laughing!


Remember, all of you can send me "letters" too - by email!  Just sign into (or sign up for) the Dr. Laura Family - it's free - and tell us of your experiences. 

Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Parenting, Raising Boys to Men
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