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Letters From Listeners

It Takes Two To Tango

Hi Dr. Laura,

I am long-time, loyal podcast listener all the way from Santiago, Chile! I was listening to a November podcast where a grandmother called in with a "daughter-in-law problem". She expressed her angst regarding her her daughter-in-law working outside the home and consequently placing her grand babies in daycare.

You clarified and explained that her problem was with her SON. He chose a woman with whom TOGETHER, they chose to abandon their children into institutionalized daycare. You went on to describe how you would have frequent discussions with your boy as he was growing up; about the importance of choosing a woman who held the same values as he did.

I actually do the same thing with my boys! They are currently 7 and 9. I remember bursting with pride as I overheard my oldest explain to my mother that he will NOT be getting married in his 20's because chances are he'll end up choosing a wife based on how pretty she is and not based on the important stuff - like whether she'll be a good mom to their children and a good wife to him!

Here's hoping you don't retire anytime soon at the very least, please wait until my boys are out of their teenage years!



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Tags: Choose Wisely-Treat Kindly, Dating, Day Care, Job, Marriage, Response to a Call, Stay-at-Home Mom, Values
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